Brixham's contribution to the D Day Landings - Oral histories
During World War 2, Brixham was an embarkation point for the troops setting off for the D Day landings. Much as been written on the military side of the history and how Brixham fared during World War 2, but there is much less around about the daily lives of local people.
A few years ago, we conducted interviews with some people who were living in Brixham as children at the time of the War, and collected their memories, many of which related to the preparations for D Day.
In 2024, the 80th Anniversary of the D Day landings, we were asked by a local organisation Brixham Futures, to create something for the event. So, at the opening of the D Day commemorations, held at Brixham Museum, two of our actors, Laura Jury and Alex Slade, performed trasncripts of some of these memories, appearing as two local residents of Brixham during the War.
A few years ago, we conducted interviews with some people who were living in Brixham as children at the time of the War, and collected their memories, many of which related to the preparations for D Day.
In 2024, the 80th Anniversary of the D Day landings, we were asked by a local organisation Brixham Futures, to create something for the event. So, at the opening of the D Day commemorations, held at Brixham Museum, two of our actors, Laura Jury and Alex Slade, performed trasncripts of some of these memories, appearing as two local residents of Brixham during the War.
The original oral history recordings
Laura & Alex at Brixham Museum
Below is the script used for the performance by Laura and Alex, adapted from the transcribed interviews in the Brixham Before D Day video
brixham_d-day_performance_script.pdf |
Other material:
Brixham has a proud history of commemorating its involvement in the defence of Britain during the war theough art and creativity. We were also asked to film & document the 2021 unveiling of artworks in the town centre carpark.
These are the digital programme of events from Brixham's Commemorations, produced by Brixham Future (copyright of these documents belong to them) We are sharing in order to remember this years commemorations.