Governance documents & policies
These are the documents by which we run. Please scroll down to find the ones you need, the filenames should be self-explanatory.
While some of these are required governance, others are maintained so that while the content of the policies are common sense, we have our policies towards safety, the community, venues/ film locations, the environment, etc, set out clearly for all to see, in writing.
We are a social enterprise; a company limited by guarantee, run by volunteers for the benefit of others.
Under no circumstances must unofficially amended/ additional documents created
or edited by third parties be distributed or accepted as company documents.
Third parties are not permitted to create, amend or distribute any documents or announcements masquerading as official,
and no responsibility will be taken by The South Devon Players, or their insurers for such.
Legal action may be considered for any perceived case of impersonation,
or harm caused by such distribution of unauthorised/ amended documents, whether intentional or unintentional.
All cast, crew and others working with us, are expected to be familiar with these policies, and to adhere to them, facilitating professional teamwork at all times, along with full respect for other people, venues & property.
Definition of our “team”, all of whom these documents apply to.
Our team at any given time, consists of
1- Three permanent company directors (working in a solely volunteer capacity)
2- Volunteer fundraisers and supporters.
3- freelance self-employed actors and stage crew (who join us on a project by project basis,
sometimes for one project only, sometimes for several projects, or dropping in and out, appearing in ad-hoc projects,
whatever fits with their own wider business as freelance actors & creatives)
Contracts, and agreements in all matters, must be filled out and returned in person or via email ([email protected]) to a company director as registered on Companies House, who are the only persons authorised to countersign a contract and make agreements/ reports on a contractual, copyright, financial, or legal basis for the company.
No other person may recruit/hire/fire, make agreements, sign contracts,
or claim to be conducting any kind of business management on behalf of the South Devon Players.
We also follow Equity policies as follows, as guidelines on promoting fairness and excellence in running productions:
Manifesto for Casting | Safe Places Policy | Cast It Here | Inclusive Casting Policy | Performance for All
While some of these are required governance, others are maintained so that while the content of the policies are common sense, we have our policies towards safety, the community, venues/ film locations, the environment, etc, set out clearly for all to see, in writing.
We are a social enterprise; a company limited by guarantee, run by volunteers for the benefit of others.
Under no circumstances must unofficially amended/ additional documents created
or edited by third parties be distributed or accepted as company documents.
Third parties are not permitted to create, amend or distribute any documents or announcements masquerading as official,
and no responsibility will be taken by The South Devon Players, or their insurers for such.
Legal action may be considered for any perceived case of impersonation,
or harm caused by such distribution of unauthorised/ amended documents, whether intentional or unintentional.
All cast, crew and others working with us, are expected to be familiar with these policies, and to adhere to them, facilitating professional teamwork at all times, along with full respect for other people, venues & property.
Definition of our “team”, all of whom these documents apply to.
Our team at any given time, consists of
1- Three permanent company directors (working in a solely volunteer capacity)
2- Volunteer fundraisers and supporters.
3- freelance self-employed actors and stage crew (who join us on a project by project basis,
sometimes for one project only, sometimes for several projects, or dropping in and out, appearing in ad-hoc projects,
whatever fits with their own wider business as freelance actors & creatives)
Contracts, and agreements in all matters, must be filled out and returned in person or via email ([email protected]) to a company director as registered on Companies House, who are the only persons authorised to countersign a contract and make agreements/ reports on a contractual, copyright, financial, or legal basis for the company.
No other person may recruit/hire/fire, make agreements, sign contracts,
or claim to be conducting any kind of business management on behalf of the South Devon Players.
We also follow Equity policies as follows, as guidelines on promoting fairness and excellence in running productions:
Manifesto for Casting | Safe Places Policy | Cast It Here | Inclusive Casting Policy | Performance for All
Corporate/ company policies
Cast & Crew policies & contracts