News from 2010 to present...
Jan 4th 2015
CREW MEETING (open to anyone wanting to come along and be technical and film crew. Cast do not need to attend) Friday Jan 16th, 5pm We will be meeting at the Weatherspoons in Brixham, named The Vigilance, (our usual community centre rehearsal / meeting venue is unavailable that evening, and weatherspoons is a convenient fairly central location) at about 5pm, so that people can arrive after work. I will dig out a big French tricolor flag I have from our 2013 Les Mis stage show and bring it as a table cloth, so that you can find us easily. Laura December 20th 2014
Well done to all those, cast in principal roles in our web-film series of Les Miserables Jean Valjean - Ric Vince Valjean's sister - Victoria Lester Theodule - Richard Odonnell Prosecutor - John Broom Cosette (Grown up) - Jo Burgess Cosette (Little) - Willow Gradwell Thenadier - James Scott Madame Thenadier Pam Vince Eponine (Grown up) - Elizabeth Lizzie Jordan Moulds Eponine (Young) - Josephine Garner Azelma (Adult)- Leanne Emily Ryan Azelma (Young)- Kezzy Pumphrey Enjolras - Edward Stewart Courfeyrac - L Jay Feuilly - Jon Ian Dredge M Gillenormand - John Broom Mlle Gillenormand - Shirley Thrift Bishop - Melvin Schofield Mlle Baptistine - Mary Earle Sister Simplice - Jade Callender ( Jade Ashley) Fantine - Telene Jordaan Mere Houcheloup - Hayley Tink Rushton Prioress - Megan Tarrant Chapmantheiu - Ben Carroll Grantaire - Rich Sandford Prosecutor - Roy Chamberlain - Prosecutor Gavroche - Joe Evans Javert - Andrew Swinbank Labarre, Fauchelevant, and Combeferre (because you are one of the most versatile people we have ever come across!) - Anthony Webster Marius - Tom Molyneux December 6th 2014 Some of our members had a brilliant time today, medieval carol singing today at the Christmas Fayre, at, and supporting, Chestnut Community Centre where we rehearse. Photos by the lovely Pat Lee Hunter. October 18th 2014
OPEN AUDITIONS FOR LES MISERABLES SERIES The South Devon Players theatre company, Brixham, are casting for a non-profit, crowdfunded internet film series, based on Victor Hugos novel Les Miserables, and will be holding auditions soon in Plymouth. Please contact us if interested: (and feel free to share with anyone interested) Event page: Our main group website: email: [email protected] / [email protected] October 1st 2014 Well things just keep getting busier. We held auditions in Paignton for our film series of Les Miserables on Saturday, we are planning to hold another round of auditions, as we are still looking to cast several roles, including Javert. (stay tuned for new dates!) In the meantime, two of our members, through our careers service to signed up active members, have gained paid supporting roles in an international production of Verdi's opera Rigoletto! Also, but by no means least, we would like to thank Brixham Town Council for thier lovely write up for our group, in the latest issue of The Brixham Signal! Sept 28th 2014
Well things carry on being busy! The Britains Got Talent team were very impressed with our members and group friends, and we had a fantastic evening! Here are a few of our entrants: Sept 17th 2014
What a busy time it has been, we have been filming for Channel 5, performing our 1920s Cabaret, and later this month we are hosting Britain's Got Talent at the community centre where we rehearse! Its all busy and the committee are run off their feet! July 11th 2014
Zorro! and Les Miserables film audition packs now available for download. Links to singing practice available too., JULY 7th 2014
Les Miserables: The Web Film Series - AUDITION DATE ANNOUNCEMENT: Saturday Sept 27th , this will be from 11 - 6pm at Jasmyn House, Medvale Road, Paignton in the downstairs function rooms. This will be a formal and strict film audition, set audition pieces for each character will be uploaded to the website during August, and you will be expected to come and perform your set piece in a screen test (so being filmed) in front of the directors. ![]() June 29th 2013
Lovely card of thanks received from the Sunrise Rotary Club in Torquay, for our performance of Romeo & Juliet with them earlier this month. June 23rd 2014 Well going through the feedback from Romeo and Juliet, it went really well - congratulations to all who took part! Audience - and staff - feedback at the Palace Theatre was phenomenal, and we are intending, all going according to plan, to become pretty regular there, at least twice a year, come 2015 and onwards. In the meantime the 1920s Cabaret show has been cast and we are in the process of booking venues. The open auditions for our film series of Les Miserables, will also be announced shortly after a production meeting on July 6th. June 20th 2014 New change in the law is coming for younger people. We have some younger people who occasionally join us, and will do for the Les Miserables film, so it needs to be known about - and do feel free to let anyone else know, in the performance business! Child performance regulations - government consultation The Department for Education is consulting on proposals to change the limits, which are set out in regulations, to the hours that children can take part in performances and the breaks they must have. They are proposing to replace the current complex rules with a simple framework that will apply to all types of performance that need licensing. The DoE would like your help for this consultation, and particularly welcome is feedback from child performers and their parents. For ways to respond, go to May 1st 2014 Rehearsals are rolling along fast now, and while we have a small break helping out at Brixham Pirate Festival this weekend, with a small 20 minute potted panto about Blackbeard, rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet, are coming on magnificently as well. May is going to be frenetic, exciting and very rewarding for everyone, and then in June, we will be bringing you an amazing new production of Romeo and Juliet. We have also been honoured to welcome several new members to the group, who we hope will remain with us for future shows as well. Incidentaly, here we are on a local news website: Peoples Republic of South Devon March 2nd 2014 and here is the preview trailer for our production of Romeo and Juliet, coming in June 2014. Feb 20th 2014
A preview of some of our costumed cast rehearsing for Romeo and Juliet... Feb 11th 2014
A Peter Pan Wanted: Warner Bros. Pictures are casting for a new Peter Pan. This is an open casting to young gentlemen 11-13 years old: Incidentally, Did you know, that as well as our own shows, we also provide a casting resource for #filmmakers, TV productions and #photographers in South #Devon? see our website for more information. We make no money from this, it is a free service to our tried-and-tested top-grade local performers. Jan 24th 2014 After two days of casting, for two shows, here are the casting announcements: ROMEO & JULIET Chorus/ crowd leads (shared roles) - Samantha Norris and Jade Attenborough Romeo - Edward Stewart Benvolio - Dulcie Fenton Mary, Susan, Emily - Hayley Tink Rushton Gregory - Richard James Lady Montague- Dori Smith Juliet - Ryanna-Mae Lloyd Tybalt - Rhys Denton Prince - Katharina Rayner Lord Capulet - Ric Vince Lady Capulet - Pam Vince Nurse- Fiona Fenton Friar Lawrence - Derek Tristram Mercutio - Emma Louise Bullions Apocothary - Annette Grose Sister Joanna - Laura J Paris - Rich Sandford BLACKBEARD Blackbeard - Ric Vince Esmerelda - Samantha Norris Calico Jack - Steven Andrew Stapleton Bert - Edward Stewart Fishy Teach - Pam Vince Fred - Richard James Hands - Rich Sandford December 27th 2013 FILM CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT Laura and Ric are planning a new web-based film series based on Les Miserables. Casting and crewing is now open: more info at the project website HERE NEW PERK OF MEMBERSHIP Following a long day of equipment testing yesterday, we are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer, to current members only, a full studio-based actors headshot photoshoot, by Ric and Pam, to current entertainment/ Hollywood industry standards, for a donation of £5 (that donation helps keep the equipment up and running). To find out more, please contact us. ![]() December 18th 2013
Feedback from audience has just come in, for our Toulon Prison scenes from Les Miserables, performed at Brixham Theatre this evening as part of a local theatre variety show - " your theatre performance was fabulous! Really impressive. " / " I thought the young lad who played the new prisoner was brilliant" - I was very relieved to see him smile when they took their bow at the end as he was so convincingly sad looking in the play!" And here are some backstage pictures of Jean Valjean, Brevet and Javert before the performance: ![]() December 16th 2013
Performing a medieval mummers play in Babbacombe, for a Christmas street party - here are Ric, as the Winter King, and Rich as the Summer King, preparing for battle, before heading over to Babbacombe. December 7th 2013
Preview from Les Miserables - filmed off my TV screen so not perfect but we should have full resolution/ correct screen ratio digital footage in a week or two - and in the meantime at least you get a good look at the barricade scene of Les Mis! ![]() December 7th 2013
For those who supported the Dawlish Christian Fellowship yesterday with being cast for thier "modern nativity" (which was a great experience working with mime and multimedia projection), here is feedback from the church lady for you all: "Hey, Missed you all before u went yesterday. Can you pass on my massive thanks to the team. U guys were all great. I hope you enjoyed it. Kay x" Oct 21st 2013
A few items of news today. 1) Well done to Bradley Swinbank, our Gavroche, who is through to the second round of auditions for a lead role in an upcoming Ridley Scott film. 2) The London sponsored production of Les Miserables: The Memoirs of Jean Valjean, will be performed at the Palace Theatre, Palace Avenue, Paignton at 7pm on November 16th. Tickets are only £3, available from the Palace Theatre box office on 01803 665800, or from the Torquay Tourist Information Centre in Torquay. Click the poster for a full view. Les Miserables : The Memoirs of Jean Valjean
![]() The main run of productions is over, with a fantastic, dedicated cast. Feedback has been brilliant, and a further performance, by special request of a visitor who was that impressed with the show, is due in November, at the Palace Theatre.
August 29th 2013
The final work from the CG graphics Masters students at Bournemouth University is in, featuring several of our members. August 24th 2013
Shows for 2014 soon to be announced (the committee know,we are just finalising a couple of details). and... Les Miserables rehearsals going fantastically, and our Les Miserables show is now featured on a #Broadway#theatre website in their international news section . July 17th 2013 - Some of our Les Miserables cast live on local radio for two hours.
Some of our Les Miserables cast being interviewed for two hours on local radio Riviera FM about the show (Les Miserables performances in Brixham and Paignton Sept 19th-22nd, you can get more info via our ticket page) July 16th 2013 - Photoshoot for an education company
We were approached by a company from up country called Learning With Linden, who produce creative learning backdrops for schools, who has been reccomended to contact us because we are so lovely, and have lots of in-house historical costumes, for a photoshoot for some pirate themed backdrops for some primary schools. Here are our members modelling (most of our cast in this are also models with Aesthetic Clarity. [Ltd] as well as actors with us here at The South Devon Players theatre company, Brixham) for the photos, and enjoying the afternoon, behind the scenes. Behind the scenes photos mainly by Pam Vince June 27th - Radio interview, etc
Listen out for us on Riviera FM radio, between 11am - 1pm, on July 17th, as some of the Les Miserables cast will be being interviewed that day! We have a busy weekend ahead, with the official Les Miserables cast photoshoot, and being in a film... June 14th - Early rehearsals for Les Mis
A look behind the scenes at Les Miserables rehearsals for Act 2 - only the second time that Act 2 has been rehearsed, thus far. Photos by Pam Vince June 11th 2013
A few things since we updated the news page last: first of all, the South Devon Players are now affiliated with NODA (the National Operatic & Dramatic Association). From September onwards, we are also moving to two rehearsals per week, the main rehearsal remains on the Wednesday evenings, but we will also be introducing "odds and ends" or special "certain scenes only" rehearsals on Sunday afternoons. This means that not everyone needs to be there every Sunday, but it will allow for extra rehearsals and smoothing of the rought bits. May 20th 2013 Date announced for our Annual General Meeting, Saturday July 13th 2013, 12.30 midday at the Lytes House Meeting Rooms, Bolton Street, Brixham. This is the annual general meeting, all members and public invited. If you cannot attend but have a question or query that you would like brought up, or if you would like to either stand for committee, or step down from committee, then please address all AGM related communication to our secretary at [email protected] May 17th 2013 Les Miserables: The Memoirs of Jean Valjean has been successfully cast with a superb mix of old and new members, rehearsals begin next week. With the shows all booked now, and a photoshoot for the posters and promo photos next month with both our in-house photographers, and photographers from the Aesthetic Clarity Ltd model agency, and an impressive array of publicity events, along with a Hollywood A-lister following the project, this is indeed heading towards being a huge project! We are still open to some more men joining the show (up to 4), for smaller roles. Calling anyone who would like to be a model: Passing on the word. Our friends, Aesthetic Clarity LTD, a model agency for real people of all shapes and sizes, is holding intakes for new people who would like to be models, on June 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Paignton. For more information, please contact AC via their facebook page: (and if you are a photographer, or business needing to promote products, also get in touch with them if you need lovely local models to work with) Our members on the silver screen.. The trailer for a new movie, directed by the local film director John Tomkins, featuring several members of the The South Devon Players theatre company, Brixham, and filmed in and around Torbay in Feb 2013. The premiere will take place on June 13th - the link for the premiere is here: Latest on the Les Mis show
Latest news on the The South Devon Players theatre company, Brixham Les Miserables auditions ( Updates on the show (there are several points here, all very good)
- For anyone who is with Aesthetic Clarity LTD or any other talent agency, or who has their own acting/ performance/ tech website, who is in this show, you will be welcome to use relevant rehearsal/ promo photos and videos for your portfolios. - A videolog and documentary film following the progress of the show, from may to Sept, with rehearsals, behind the scenes, publicity events, and shows, will also be made, and shared worldwide. - Tickets are already being reserved for the shows!!!! Yes, people have already phoned me to book tickets, even though the shows aren't until September! - Even before being cast this has gone worldwide, with an American university working with parts of our script for their students, and messages of "can we watch this online" coming in globally (USA, UK, Lithuania, Brazil, France, Canada, Australia, Japan thus far). April 5th 2013
![]() In the Brixham News this week- an article about our spring 2013 show...
March 30th 2013
Laura, Pam and Charles, aided by Rick, handed out around 200 flyers, in costume and in character, for the show The Ballad of Resurrection Bob, and for the Les Miserables auditions, at Torbay Family Market today- and then celebrated with cake! March 24th 2013
Rehearsals going well for The Ballad of Resurrection Bob - looking good! February 18th 2013
![]() Lovely letter about our group, found in the latest issue of the Torbay Times newspaper, today.
February 11th 2013 Our charity show of A Medieval Christmas 1285, back in January, for Anode via the Torquay Rotary Club, raised £300. Anode is a local Torbay charity which helps local people in tough times, with things like foodbanks , school uniforms, befriending etc. :) ( February 4th 2013 Les Miserables show dates update. Show dates are now looking to be Sept 5 - 8th. Due to several people - including our assistant director - being away etc - but only just telling me, I have been asked to not have the show in the middle of August. The first week of August is, I feel, far too early for a show of that scale to be ready unless we do 2/ 3 rehearsals per week. The final weekend of August is Dartmouth Regatta, and it is pointless, Torbay being this close to Dartmouth, to clash dates. Therefore, the following weekend (Thurs Sept 5 - Sunday 8th) is the sensible time to perform. I am looking at performances in Brixham, Paignton, Torquay and also exploring the possibility for Dartmouth as well. Those familiar with the story of Les Mis, will know that Les Mis - even a non-musical show like ours - is one hefty undertaking, so I am sorry that it goes on an extra couple of weeks, but this is the only decision that can be made. Look at it this way, extra time to polish and perfect the show. :) (Laura, show director) Jan 26th 2013 The Ballad of Resurrection Bob, our spring show about the famous smuggler of Brixham, is now almost fully cast. We do have one male role still open, for the dashing Commodore Davis, who sweeps Ruth off her feet, but other than that, all cast, and rehearsals commence on Wednesday. Well done to all the cast, and welcome to all the new members of the group! We also have a new Facebook page (as part of sorting out our social networks pages, at Think that is all for today - more news coming soon! Jan 16th 2013 On BBC 1 Television today as part of BBC Escape to the Country: Jan 15th 2013
Follow up on the production of A Medieval Christmas 1285. VIEW THE SUNDAY PERFORMANCE HERE - Well, it went pretty well. Saturday night in Brixham was full, and Sunday afternoon in Torquay needed extra chairs being brought out as the place was packed to the rafters... One actor went ill with the winter bugs going around so with about three hours notice, one of the other cast had to pitch in, but pulled it off really well. The Sunday charity performance in Torquay raised a fair bit for the local food bank, which we were delighted to support. Tomorrow, Jan 16th 2012, we are on BBC 1 - as one of the "activities" on BBC Escape to the Country, broadcasting at 3pm. And then, a weeks breather, and we start rehearsals for The Ballad of Resurrection Bob the true historical tale of a local smuggler who faked his own death to get contraband past the coastguards. (open auditions on Jan 23rd - see for audition details) ,,, ![]() Dec 24th 2012
Dec 20th 2012
NATIONAL BBC SCREENING for us! Last July, we were filmed for a part of an episode of BBC Escape To the Country, doing a preview clip of our spring 2013 show "The Ballad Of Resurrection Bob", written by one of our co-founders, and secretary; Laura J. Our national TV debut is now at hand. The BBC Escape to the Country producers phoned this morning, and the episode featuring the South Devon Players, filmed around Brixham Harbour and at the Rising Sun pub in Brixham, will be broadcast Wednesday Jan 16th, at 2.15pm on BBC1. Get to see some of our members in action, (all but one still with the theatre company). Auditions are coming soon for the full stage show: just visit our auditions pages for more information. A message from Babbacombe, where we were on Tuesday, for our members who attended there promoting our January medieval christmas theatre shows: "I just wanted to say thanks so much for entertaining the crowds last night at the street party. I've had so many positive comments from children and parents today saying how much they enjoyed themselves. Hope you have a fab Christmas and New Year." Dec 11th 2012 Just to clarify. Gossip in Brixham that our medieval christmas show is cancelled is 100% wrong. I don't know who started the rumour, but can assure you all that the shows are going ahead entirely as advertised, tickets are on sale, and whoever is saying the shows are cancelled clearly knows nothing factual about our theatre company's operations. For latest FACTS on our theatre company, see our main website here or follow us on Facebook Nov 29th 2012
![]() and here we are in the local paper (The Brixham News) this week...
November 22 2012
And here are youtubes promoting our work and upcoming events:
November 18th 2012
![]() The promotional photoshoot for A Medieval Christmas 1285, has gone really well. Photos are now online on our social networks, and have been sent off with our press releases.
November 2nd 2012
![]() Rehearsals for A Medieval Christmas 1285 are going fantastically. With theatre, plus mummers plays, live medieval harp music, dancers, gymnasts, etc, this is looking fantastic. All four performances are now open for booking (see our tickets page) in Brixham, Paignton and Torquay.
And here are our first rehearsal images (mainly from the Mumming)! The big promo photoshoot will come in a couple of weeks. Oct 17th 2012 Thank you very much to Chelsea Building Society in Paignton for their most welcome (and unexpected) donation of £100 to the group, and to whoever nominated us. :) Much appreciated. (official letter of thanks to the branch will be en-route Saturday) Oct 14th 2012 Well done to our secretary Laura ( Her medieval Mummers Play script about the legend of St Boniface (from Crediton here in Devon) and the Christmas Tree, has just been accepted for publication by a national script agency. Oct 12th 2012 So pleased with preparations for the winter show! royal banner complete, costumes thus far looking lovely, picked up a wonderful blue velvet cloak with medieval edging today in Torquay, (plus more velvet and faux fur for the rest) it is really going to be a sumptuous treat with theatre, live harp music, carols, dance, mummers, gymnasts and more. Biggest and best show ever. Cast doing brilliantly, props and costumes coming along brilliantly... tomorrow starting in on the creation of the show posters. Sept 30th 2012 Message for all South Devon Players theatre company members, friends and supporters. Our Christmas evening meal will be in December at the Brixham Weatherspoons (£8.95 per head plus whatever drinkies you get, £3 deposit). We will be doing this on either Fri Dec 7th or Say Dec 8th. Please let us know by next Saturday what evening would be most convenient for you to come along to, then I will post up all the booking details. Sept 21st 2012
Offer to local charities, Would you like a medieval event as a winter fundraiser? We are a local non-profit community theatre company from Brixham, and have a spare slot (Sunday January 13th 2013) for our winter show A Medieval Christmas 1285. This is a family friendly show (whether you are 1 or 100), set in 1285 when King Edward I visited Exeter. It is suitable for any reasonable size hall or function room (no stage required) set up to look like a medieval hall and consists of a play with mumming, traditional carols, dance, live medieval harp music, etc. We would like to offer this slot to a local (Devon, preferably Torbay) charity, as a free performance to help support them. We are pretty self contained, all that you would need to provide is the venue (must be in the area of Dartmouth, Kingswear, Brixham, Paignton, Torquay, and accessible to public transport as some of our members rely on the buses for getting around) and tables and chairs. We will of course also help with the advertising – we have a large advertising network for shows. You can read more about us on our main website If more than one local charity contact us, we will have to choose based on a member vote as to which charity they would most like to support. Please contact us before Sept 29th 2012 as we are finalising our bookings in the next two weeks ready to start the publicity. ![]() Sept 19th 2012
Rehearsals now underway for our Medieval Christmas 1285 theatre show - with live harp music. Sept 12th 2012
Thank you for an amazing casting evening! Please find the finalised cast list below, rehearsals start next week at the centre, Wednesdays 7for 7.30 start, until 9/ 9.30pm. Scripts and contact details have been emailed if you have any questions, problems, etc. If you have to miss a rehearsal for any reason, please just send over a message to let me know. Thanks ever so much! :) CAST LIST: (live music by Susie and Bill) Bard - Heather Lord Churston - Richard Lady Josephine - Susan Mummers1 Winter King - Charles Summer King - Shaun May Queen - Olga Sun - Kit Wind - Devon Rain - Mary Exeter scenes Alured De Porta - Chris John Pycot - Paul Katie - Kit Walter - Shaun Bishop Quinil - Andy King Edwards arrival Herald - Steve King Edward 1 - Bill Queen Eleanor - Mary The Legend of St Boniface St Boniface - Charles Child - Molly Sailor - Devon Sea - Kit Heathen Priest - Steve Wind and rain - Chorus Heathen Chorus - all available Bertrand's arrival Betrand - Shaun Hafsa - Sally Ann Sept 7th 2012 Please keep an eye on our social networks for news on a possible film opportunity for the group. (due Monday evening) Sept 2nd 2012 We have been very busy with the summer school, research, running the Musketeers show (a couple more performances to come) and planning for the winter, during our so-called "summer break"!!! We are now heading back to our usual pace of projects, with auditions in 10 days, for our winter show. We would also like to thank the models from the agency Aesthetic Clarity Ltd for joining with our members for a local heritage project to be unveiled in the next fortnight! July 26th 2012
Well done to those who were able to brave the hot weather to come to Paignton Carnival with our Three Musketeers entry, and win second place in the Adult Pedestrian category. July 24th 2012
Filming today around Brixham Harbour and in the Rising Sun pub for BBC 2's programme Escape To The Country, due to be aired sometimes between Oct 2012 and Jan 2013. The producers were most impressed with everyones acting and the effort put into the filming and helping with locations, costumes etc, so well done to all who attended! Here are some behind-the-scenes pictures: July 24th 2012 Please note that the summer school singing workshop is cancelled. The modelling, bellydance and characterisation ones will be going ahead subject to minimum numbers of attendees July 18th 2012 BBC NATIONAL TV filming: We will be filming for a national BBC TV show in Brixham on Tuesday next. We will be on location though (venue to be confirmed), and this will involve a talk on the theatre group, then working on a small adapted scene of Resurrection Bob. July 6th 2012 Two TV companies approach the lovely South Devon Players theatre group, Brixham in one day. Its a very good feeling that TV companies are frequently approaching the theatre company! If anyone is interested in getting these opportunities, please check our social networks on facebook, Twitter, Noddleit. July 1st 2012 AGM - Just to let everyone know, our Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday July 21st at 12.00 midday, at Lytes House community rooms, just opposite the Weatherspoons This AGM is open to everyone (members, friends, public). A committee-only meeting will take place afterwards, and if there is anything that you would like discussed by the committee, then please get in touch with us and let us know in good time. Shows/ carnival / summer school - The summer event dates are all up now on our upcoming events page, with posters. We would be really grateful if you could download and share the posters anywhere relevant! May 20th 2012 CARNIVAL Okies, had finalised times from the Paignton carnival, everyone. Groups can begin to arrive from 4, but need to be assembled by 6pm, ready for judging at 6.15pm. The parade starts at 7.45pm. NEW PROJECT BEING CAST AUDITION/ CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT The Landing of William of Orange Please contact us immediatly to arrange audition. As many of you may know, in 1688, William of Orange landed in England to claim the English crown. What many people do not know, is that he landed in Brixham, and was carried ashore by a local fisherman, soon followed by his entire army which spent some time encamped at Furzeham before the entire army marched onwards to London. The South Devon Players have been offered the opportunity to create historical re-enactments of the landing, starting August 5th, and then through the rest of the Holiday season, and then during the holiday season of 2013 as well. These re-enactments will take place on Thursday afternoons, and therefore all applicants must be regualrly availible on Thursday afternoons. As this is more a historical re-enactment than a play, there are many fewer lines to learn (unless you are playing William, who has a speech to memorise!) , however you will be playing a historical character who needs to be able to interact with the public, without dropping character. For this, a good grounding in the history of the event and of Brixham at the time will be required though we are happy to help you with this. Male and female performers required, of all ages and levels of experience. Please contact us immediatly if you are interested in becoming involved and available on Thursday afternoons for around an hour. May 9th 2012 (second update!) Fowarded message - TV opportunity: "TV Opportunity: My name is Kate and I work for Twofour, a television production company based in London. We are currently developing a documentary series for Channel 4 about family life in Britain in 2012 and we’re looking for warm, engaging and outgoing families who might be interested in taking part. I wanted to drop you a line, as I thought your amateur dramatics group might be a great place to find the kind families we are looking for. We are hoping to make a landmark series about what life is really like for British families in this iconic year and are looking for six vibrant families from different backgrounds and regions to film with throughout this summer. Our search for families is very broad, but we are looking for a family with at least two children still living at home- other than that, absolutely anything and everyone goes! At this stage, we would like to speak to as many people as possible - all our conversations are confidential and do not commit people to be involved. It would be great if you could help us in any way by circulating the flier, which I have attached, perhaps via a newsletter, mailing list, facebook or just even an announcement at your group to see if anyone might be interested in having a chat with us. If you can think of any parents or youngsters at your group might be interested in taking part in this series, please send them our contacts or give me a call directly and we can chat further. We would always need parental consent before talking to those under 18. Please feel free to give me a call anytime or pass my number to anyone you think might like to have a chat – 0207 438 1972. Thanks again for your help and I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes Kate Griffiths Producer Two Four 020 7438 1972" May 9th 2012 OMG, late autograph request reply from our 2010 fundraising drive, came today: two signed photos and a CHEQUE FOR £50 for the Players, from footballer Kevin Keegan. Will bring to rehearsals tonight, and can SDP committee discuss a thank you letter from SDP. Fantastic stuff. :) May 2nd 2012 Rehearsals are well in hand for our weekend productions of The Musketeers and the Pirates, which today has made a picture on the frot pahe of, and large article on Page 3 of The Brixham News (local paper). April 16th 2012 Great Gale - what a fantastic run we have had - broken our own box office records, had great feedback in both Brixham and Paignton, requests for more performances in the future, and really finished the show on a high. (preen preen preen!) Summer school- Plans are afoot for a series of summer performance workshops for the Players and the public alike, with two already confirmed - singing and bellydancing. Musketeers show - Re-casting is complete and we are looking forward to a very busy summer season! April 1 2012 (not a fools thing, this page is for serious news!) well done to the cast, and thank you for coming to the audience of The Great Gale of Brixham yesterday - Cast, excellent feedback and we have broken our own box office records, audience, thank you so much for coming along and supporting local theatre - and for anyone who missed it the last performance of this show will be The Great Gale of Brixham 1866 - Theatre performance - Paignton on April 14th. We have had some superb feedback - from one local "history buff": "Watched an excellent performance of 'The Great Gale of 1866' yesterday in Brixham. Well done to all South Devon Players!!" and the critic review at: March 28th 2012 Fantastic rehearsals for the Great Gale this evening - excellent cast, looking foward to building on the good audience reports from last weekend now that we bring the show back to its hometown in Brixham this weekend! Looking brilliant guys. Said it before and I will say it again - this is, I think, the strongest cast we have ever had. Laura. March 8th 2012 we have today hit over 1,000 followers on our Twitter account - @sdevonplayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feb 27th 2012 RE - CASTING due to timewaster. We need a RELIABLE male actor age 18+ to play a cheeky pirate captain for our show The Musketeers And The Pirates, at the summer Pirate Thursdays (open-air theatre weekly late June/ July/ August Thurs afternoons for 20 minutes) in Brixham. Rehearsals either Thursday afternoons from this week or Wednesday evenings from April (you only need to make one or the other), in Brixham. Costume/ stage combat help etc all provided. Please contact us ASAP if only if you are SERIOUS and NOT A TIMEWASTER. more about our group: Please feel free to foward this advert. Feb 22nd 2012 Performance at Teignmouth Drama Festival confirmed for MARCH 24TH 2012. Please visit for information on the drama festival. Note that you will need to contact the Carlton Theatre direct to purchase tickets for this performance. Feb 20th 2012 *PASSING ON THE INFO, PLEASE CONTACT THE EMAIL ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE FOR MORE INFO. MORE ACTORS NEEDED IN PLYMOUTH* Hi there I'm a Drama student at Marjon Uni in Plymouth, i'm in my final year. I need actors to take part in a theatrical experiment for my dissertation research project in directing styles. Any age, any sex. Must be available for 2 rehearsals a week, for 3 weeks from the 5th March. Dates and times of rehearsals flexible. All TRAVEL EXPENSES will be reimbursed. Ideally rehearsals will take place at Marjon as i can book rehearsal space there free but if it's helpful for people we could arrange to meet else where. I will need 6 actors, which I will split into 3 pairs. Each group will rehearse and perform the same, 10 minute long, piece of dialogue but each group will have been directed using a different directing style. Participants will be expected to give feedback throughout the process and all rehearsals will be recorded for reflection and marking purposes. I don't want to give too much else away as it's important that each group doesn't know what the other groups are doing so that they cannot be influenced by it. Do you know anyone who might be willing to me out?? Robyn Michelle Eyres - [email protected] Feb 16th 2012 Advertising space is now available for purchase in our programmes for The Great Gale Of Brixham. 250 programmes being printed initially, more as required. Family-friendly adverts only please. Advert should be submitted as a greyscale/ black & white JPG file or PDF . Each company purchasing advertising space will recieve complimentary copy of programme in post. Sizes/ prices are: 85mm high x 55mm wide (business card size) - £3.00 170mm high X 110mm wide - £5 Full A5 page - £10 Payment by cheque, cash or paypal. Please contact us to arrange or with questions. Deadline March 18th, 2012 Feb 15th 2012 Currently trying out press release distribution services for extra publicity! Our press release for The Great Gale of Brixham 1866 is now on Free Press Release - HERE and BriefingWire - HERE Feb 1st 2012 - Cast lineup announced for The Musketeers And The Pirates Jack (festival) - Steve S., Jack (summer)- TBC, George (festival) - Dave J, George (summer) - Charles M, Adele/ Katriane - Laura J, Martine - Sally-Anne B, Cardinal Richelieu - David C, Porthos- Richard J, Gui - Shaun M, Milady - Kit S. Jan 30th 2012 - Please note a date change to the Paignton performance of The Great Gale of Brixham, it will now be performed on April 14th instead of the 7th. - One of our members who is doing thier Masters degree about theatre in the community and its relation to community education, needs people to help with her survey - link here: Jan 19th 2012 Paignton performance date/ venue of The Great Gale of Brixham now confirmed, the theatre hall in Winner Street Baptist Church Hall, Paignton, on April 7th. January 13th 2012 South Devon Players donation to Brixham Museum This morning, Laura donated a copy of the historical research files for the Great Gale of Brixham theatre show, to Brixham Museum. As always we like to support the local community wherever possible. Call for Artists Newquay Art Prize – 3 prizes - £500 each Proposals are sought from Artists for the first Newquay Art Prize to be showcased during the first Art8 Newquay Art Festival - 14th – 21st April 2012. The Art8 Prize will provide up to 3 awards of £500 each. It is a central part of the Festival enabling Art8 to bring new artistic work to the Town and to support the work of artists from ...any discipline eg visual art, dance, theatre, music, digital, film. The Art8 Prize, supported by FEAST, is intended to add to the breadth of the Festival, aid the future of the Festival with a legacy of contemporary creative work, and, as part of the Festival to encourage new visitors to the town, particularly from across Cornwall Closing date 3rd Feb Full details can be obtained by e:mailing [email protected] December 24th 2011 Wishing all our members and friends a very pleasant and relaxing (or exciting, delete as appropriate) Christmas break! :) December 20th 2011 For those of you in the Great Gale of Brixham, rehearsals begin on Wednesday Jan 4th, and then each Wednesday after, 7 for 7.30 start, until about 9/ 9.30pm This is the main song for the show (not being performed at Teignmouth though because of the time constraints) all shows will however end with a verse of the hymn Eternal Father... December 4th 2011 I would just like to compliment EVERYONE - Natasha, David, Warwick, Shaun, Louise, Lindsay, Kit, Sarah, and Charles- on a fantastic audition for the Great Gale of Brixham. It was incredibly hard to choose who would play what as you were all so epic in everything. I dont think I have ever auditioned a show where EVERYONE present read so strongly. Theres been the script changes done to fit in with the cast we have, and to fix a few typos, but seriously I am incredibly optimistic about this cast line-up and production. Now we need to knuckle down, focus on the panto, relax over the festive days, but just wanted to thank you all for being so great and reading so well! Laura. November 22nd 2011 Interview on Soundart Radio went really great, they are going to ask two or three of the cast of The Great Storm to come into the studio in March to perform a page or two live on air. November 21st 2011 so, got a radio interview on Soundart Radio tomorrow afternoon about the South Devon Players theatre group, Brixham... November 13th 2011 Well done to our member Kirsty, for her new music video project: November 12th 2011 For your information there is a public casting for people to be in a new feature film of Les Miserables. Please check the link below for information and how to apply November 6th 2011 Theatre co. committee meeting on Nov 15th. Anything you want brought up, please let us know! Novmber 3rd 2011 Please save your used ink cartridges, etc, for us! Each one donated raises between £1 and £25 for our theatre group! We can accept used ink cartridges (HP, Epson, Canon, Dell, Brother, BT, Zerox, Kodak, Lexmark, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Olivetti) and laser toners (Apple, Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP, Lexmark, Minolta, OKI, Panasonic, RICOH/IBM, Sagem, Samsung, Toshiba, Xerox) and any used mobile phones. You can bring them to rehearsals, or donate them directly via our fundraising page November 2nd 2011 Advertising space now available for our programmes for A Tale of Two Cities The Panto. 250 programmes being printed initially, more as required Family-friendly adverts only please. Advert should be submitted as a greyscale/ black & white JPG file. Each company purchasing advertising space will recieve complimentary copy in post. Sizes/ prices are: 85mm high x 55mm wide (business card size) - £3.00 170mm high X 110mm wide - £5 Full A5 page - £10 Payment by cheque, cash or paypal. Please contact us to arrange. Deadline Nov 21st, 2011 November 1st 2011 We now have our own youtube channel. Warts and all - rehearsals, show clips, outtakes, etc! October 24th 2011 We are looking for a reliable volunteer camera person and editor, to help us make a small trailer for the internet and blogs, for our upcoming production The Great Storm of Brixham. We are a small (but award winning) non-profit theatre company based in Torbay, in Devon, we have no paid staff or money to pay people, but happy for work to be used on your showreels as well. Filming date would probably be a Saturday, to be arranged in January or Febuary. Please get in touch with us for more information. October 23rd 2011 PEOPLE WANTED! Earlier in the year the group were donated some bits by the people at Lupton House, and in return agreed to help with thier Halloween event on Monday Oct 31st , its basically turning up in costume with some kind of historical theme (pirates/ knights/ musketeers/ wenches/ whatever), and helping out/ making people jump! the event runs from 6 until 8.30pm, so you would need to be there at 5 to get sorted out. We can supply costumes, but need to know who is willing/ available to come and do this event. If you definitely can, please comment below. So far, there are three of us... October 4th 2011 Film casting call which we have been asked to foward to our members and friends: Fowarding a film casting call we have been sent Project - Short film for a british band called The Maccabees to serve as promo for their forth coming third album. The final film will be screened on channel four as part of the 4music season. Venue - Dartmoor/devon/newquay audition - TBC but we would like to see any tapes/picture you have required - a number of characters to represent the various stages of man/age not too much acting script. 2 x boxers/fighters mid 20's 1 x old man 65+ 1 x adolesent male under 15 This is a micro budget short and therefore can only offer travel expenses/food please contact as below: [email protected] [email protected] October 3rd 2011 Apparantly, having sent off for the forms, we have been today informed that the carnival parade will not be taking place this year, therefore we are planning to enter the Brixham Christmas Parade instead on Saturday Dec 3rd. October 1st 2011 The Torquay Christmas carnival parade iis due to be on Saturday November 19th, in the late afternoon/ early evening. Would be great to get the Players out publicising our upcoming show dates and events - and the group as a whole. I am sending off for entry forms, please can you let us know if you would be able to attend. We will sort out some good striking costumes and banners! September 11th 2011 We are currently in the process of moving to Chestnut Heights Community Centre, 1-3 Poplar Close, Brixham, TQ5 0SA, with immediate effect. For directions and maps, please see the FIND US page. It would be helpful if as many members as possible could attend on Wednesday evening (usual time) to discuss a couple of things and see the new place/ where everything is. We have kitchen facilities but no bar, and while tea/ coffee/ biscuits will be available for 20p, if you want anything else as refreshments, you will need to bring it with you. September 8th 2011 We will be changing our regular rehearsal venue very shortly, it will remain in Brixham, and should be announced within the next few days on this page. August 17th 2011 Lovely blog article about us from With stunning fishing town Brixham as a backdrop its hard to go wrong, particularly for family holiday-makers. The South Devon Players perform historical pieces amongst ice-cream, fish and chips, replica galleons in the harbour, right there in the historic quay-side fish market. Totally open access (to the point where some passers-by become temporary bit-part players) was its strength. As I stood, I heard holiday-making dad's explain to youngsters in Yorkshire, Mancunian and Liverpool accents, “its a play, look”, “A what, dad?”. “Listen, they're telling you a story”. So there's another one, a really good reason to get theatre out there. The beautiful serendipity of just happening across of piece of story-telling, a seed of a notion in a child's mind that performance is fun and perhaps important. Even the temporary appreciation of a harried dad who is just glad of something to distract the kids. Accessibility and new audiences are really good reasons to go out-of-doors. " August 13th 2011 - Looking foward to our final performance of The Lost Templar Fleet, at Paignton this afternoon! - We are working on one of our projects for 2012, a show about the Great Storm of Brixham, which took place in 1866. We are researching it as much as possible, and would love to hear from local people who have family stories about the storm, for *possible* inclusion into the story of the show. August 10th 2011 Is anyone available on Sept 3rd during the day, to run a stall for the Players at the Legion? Sadly the usual people who do it are all away at a wedding that day, but it would be a godsend for the group if someone who could do it. August 5th 2011 Fantastic performance of The Lost Templar Fleet yesterday, it went really well, with a great interactive audience and great cast! Several enquiries to the group about performing it again in the future have already been recieved. Looking foward hugely to the next performance at Paignton regatta on the 13th! July 29th 2011 Male actors required for film in Exeter. Please contact Please contact [email protected] if you're at all interested in any of the roles and Jed will send you the script and more character details July 28th 2011 Lovely letter from All Saints Church / Festival Of The Sea to all our members who participated in the pirate play for the festival the other week, "We loved having you with us, & wish you all well in youre programme of engangements, Please pass our thanks onto all your team" July 26th 2011 Invititation recieved for our members from the BBC this afternoon. BRAND NEW TV SHOW FOR BBC one ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENGE OF YOUR LIFE? Are you an amateur male singer who would love the challenge of performing in a completely different way? Do you have a passion for music, but have never had the opportunity to sing in front of a large audience? Does the idea of performing out of your comfort zone scare, but excite you? Have you got the nerve? We are looking for ordinary members of the public who will be bold enough to take on trained professionals at their own game, for a BIG new Entertainment show for BBC one. They’ll attempt to convince us all that they have been doing their act for years...when actually it will have only been a matter of weeks. If you want the opportunity to take part in a life changing challenge for a big new TV show, then we want to hear from YOU! If this is YOU or you want to nominate someone you know for the CHALLENGE OF THEIR LIFE then get in touch NOW for a chance to take part and WIN A PRIZE! Email us on [email protected] July 25th 2011 Some of you may know that for next years drama fest entry, we are going to be doing a show about the Great Storm of 1866. I have been speaking to Brixham Town Council this morning, and they would be delighted to also have us put it on as a fundraiser towards the towns planned memorial statue to the fishing industry past present and future. :) Laura. July 24th 2011 IMPORTANT We wanted to post this disclaimer in light of BBC news reports relating to recent world events. Yes, we are doing a theatre show next month about the Knights Templar. This is however a HISTORICAL performance, set in 1307, by enthusiasts of history, relating soley to history, and has no religious/ racist/ political/ any other agenda or "axe-to-grind" whatsoever. As always, our group has a STRICT ethos which has no place for discrimination against anyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us via the contact page on the website . In other more cheerful news, We have done very well at the Brixham Fun Day promoting the group, several new people have joined the group (Welcome, by the way!). June 23rd 2011 fantastic characterisations on the part of the Lost Templar Fleet cast, what a wonderful colourful group for all factions. Especially pleased with Warwick Bassett, Michael Hurley and Natasha Marie Eyre getting to excellent grips with the history though every single character is strong, well thought out and defined. Characterisation workshop now over, we go into the acting as such from next Wednesday! Costumes will be introduced as soon as they are ready. June 14th 2011 Due to recent events, it is requested that everyone make themselves familiar with, and take note of, the information on this page IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you. June 12th 2011 From: Jack, [email protected] We are making an hour long comedy drama film in the area featuring actors such as: Robbie Coltrane, Jennifer Saunders, Rik Mayall, Steve Mangan, Harry Enfeild, Nigel Planner, Peter Richardson, Ross Noble, James Buckley, John Sessions, Catherine Shepherd, Ronnie Ancona, Morgana Robinson, Steve O'Donnell and more. We are holding auditions for other parts in the film (several speaking roles and background acting roles) If you are interested they will be held on Tuesday the 14th June from 17:00 to 20:00 in Totnes at the Civic Hall. May 22nd, 2011- Plymouth Pirate Festival, a roaring success! This is an open letter to the group, and to the organisers of the Festival. Basically, what an excellent day! Things were unexpected - for example we found there was so much interest from the youngsters in the combat that we did mainly pirate combat sessions for the youngsters to have a go at, rather than street theatre, but going from the reports on the first day, people wanted more things for the children to do, so we were happy to oblige! We hope this didnt put anybody out. Next year, if there is a festival next year, we would hope to have more of our team down (and a second car) so that we can bring more kit and more people, and ideally have the combat AND the street theatre, instead of having to have one or the other. We met some lovely people, were treated really well and all of those who came down to Plymouth are unanimous that it was a brilliant day. In selfish news, we made over £100 for the group - £122.15 in all, though we had to take petrol and parking out of that, so its just a tad over £100 in profit, but that will go towards getting some much needed bits for the group! Thank you to everyone who supported us! I would also like to make special mention of some people who really went above and beyond thier comfort zones to get to the festival. Steve, who was actually quite ill, and yet stayed in character all day, fought, did photoshoots and eveything else; and Shaun, who was initially very nervous about coming to an unknown (to him) city, and yet again performed fantastically, working with the public, promoting what we were doing, doing combat, acting, photoshoots, and keeping total confidence all the way through! Wonderful stuff, and despite altering the content of the day in the end, the whole thing was what the theatre group is about - promoting history, building personal/ interpersonal skills and confidence, working with Devon-based events, all in a very lively family friendly manner. Oh and if anyone wants access to the photos we took, these are the photos: Laura (club secretary) Feedback from Plymouth Pirate Festival organisers (cut and paste) South Devon Players were way cool in being so adaptable to what the people wanted ! It was fantastic to see all the kids happy faces - David Saunders You guys were superb! Liz just told me the story of your table - if only I knew I would have blagged you one. I was slammed busy and hardly had a moment free. WE DID IT THOUGH! You were all in from the beginning and I so appreciate your tenacity - Next year is going ahead and there will be more people there. Can I publish your open letter on the blog? Bless your cotton socks and thanks for helping what was a "silly dream" come alive May 16th 2011 - PLYMOUTH INFO Rehearsals There is one more rehearsal for the show, this means everyone has set characters, and a good idea of scenarios and interactions. The rehearsal will be on Saturday May 21st at the Legion, 1.30pm until about 3pm. Bridgit Cusack will also be visiting; as you know we are doing pirate improv theatre, for those who make it, at All Saints Church, Brixham, on the evening of Friday July 8th. She is coming to see what we do, and also to get names of those definitly doing it. Rehearsal is costumed as much as is possible. Getting to Plymouth on May 22nd/ Travel If relying on public transport, the travel timetables are below: X80 bus - Train times : Outbound: 09:49 Paignton [PGN] Plymouth [PLY] 11:18 1h 29m Return: 19:55 Plymouth [PLY] Paignton [PGN] 21:41 1h 46m or 21:15 Plymouth [PLY] Paignton [PGN] 22:49 1h 34m If travelling on public transport, I suggest the group going by public transport liase on travelling together (my Mum has backed out, she has gone into hermit mode for a bit and is refusing to go out except to the corner shop) meeting in Paignton for the train or the bus. If everyone meets outside (check thier site for a Google map) then thats a good landmark, right by the performance space, and easy to find with HMS Bounty moored alongside. Just head for Plymouth Barbican from either bus or train station. (Bretonside bus station is the closest, only about 10 mins walk maximum. Train station is about 20 mins across the city centre) We will have your boarding passes for the Bounty, and theatre stuff set up. (The set-up crew with all the kit will be down there well before). As far as I know, travel-wise, Dave, Steve, Tasha and I, plus props and gear, are going down in Daves car to get things set up early, meet organisers, get passes and whatnot done, and Warwick, Shaun, Mike, and Jema are coming down on public transport. Plans for the day Costumes are needed obviously. This is improv interactive theatre, pirate based, around the antics of a crew just arrived in Plymouth, and up to everything bar the kitchen sink - remember to keep it family friendly! We have the run of the audience with our donation buckets for the Players, and I will be printing a load of the newsletter and flyers to be given out as well. Its a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG promo opportunity for the group. It is street theatre, and needs to be of a professional standard! May 15th 2011 FILM ACTORS AND CREW WANTED FOR TORBAY Award-winning local film-maker, Tom Austin, is making a new short and is looking for key crew members. - Experienced sound recordist, - A Camera assistant, - A Wardrobe assistant, - A Hair and make-up artist - An Editor Also looking for: A lead male actor and female actress, plus a number of actors and actresses to play both small speaking and walk-on parts. Apart from the paid leads, you would only be required for one day. Refreshments and a DVD copy of the film will be provided to participants. Leads; - Father Matthew Hart, in his thirties. A complex character. A vicar who is loved by his congregation, but goes on a secret crime spree. A charming rascal, with a penchant for dressing up. - Ivy Ponting, 45-60, his devoted housekeeper, who is carried along by her love for him. A naive woman who and Hart's mother figure. These two roles will be paid. Speaking; - Saville, an antiques dealer in his 50s; - A rotund Police Constable in his 20s; - Susie Trapp, an attractive woman in her twenties; - Mr O'Connor (walk-on) & Mrs O'Connor, a couple in their thirties; - A female bank assistant 25-35. Non-Speaking: - 1 female, 1 male bank staff 20s-40s; - 4 x bank customers, - 2 x police officers 25-40, - 10 x M/F 11-75 passers-by, pedestrians, shop browsers etc. The film is set in the mid 1970s, so we are looking for neutral clothes as opposed to modern or specifically 70s fashion, unless you can access appropriate clothing. Could you please e mail a photo and a brief resume to Steve at : [email protected] May 12th 2011 REHEARSALS FOR THE REST OF THIS MONTH Please note that there may not be a rehearsal on Wednesday May 18th. Instead, if you are involved in the Plymouth show on May 22nd, please can you attend a rehearsal on Saturday 21st, at the Legion at 1.30pm (downstairs). Please keep an eye on the Facebook and Twitter, or this page, to finally confirm as some details are still up in the air. If you are only involved in The Barbary Pirates, please attend the following Wednesday as usual and take the 18th off. FINAL DRESS REHEARSAL FOR THE BARBARY PIRATES is Wednesday May 25th at 8pm. RIGHTING A CONFUSION ABOUT GROUP IDENTITY Following occurances last year, and again several this year, we need to make it clear that this group is The South Devon Players theatre company! Several times we have been contacted by people who think we are the Brixham Berzerkers LARP club, the Brixham Buccanneers pirates festival group, Brixham Dance school, and even the British Legion!!!!! Mistaken bookings have occurred, wrong group names advertised, etc, as a result. The confusion arises because several of our members are also members of other local community groups. We would like to make it abundantly clear that we are NOT these other groups, and that some of our members are active in up to seven or eight local groups, so please dont identify groups that you are booking by where you last remember so-and-so from, and instead contact the administrators of the specific groups directly. The groups are totally unrelated to one another! It causes a lot of annoyance and embarrassment for the admins of the different groups, as well as incorrect advertising for you when you advertise the wrong group because you know a cast member from a totally different group, and it is becoming a real problem. May 2nd 2011 *important notice* There will be no rehearsal on Wednesday May 4th. This is because everyone deserves, and needs, a bit of a rest after this weekend just gone! After that, we will be back preparing for the final performance of the Barbary Pirates for the Brixham Heritage Festival, and the performances at Plymouth Pirate Festival, at the end of May Those will mark the end of the piratical shows for the time being, as we go on to concentrate on The Lost Templar Fleet, A Tale of Two Cities The Panto, The Great Storm Of Brixham, and Isabella; Countess of Wear, rolling into next year. Friday The stall on Drew Street, at the Royal Wedding party went really well, major thanks to all our members who turned up, and to everyone who bought from the stall, or put a few pennies in the collection tins, and especial thanks to Shaun for his hard work with the collection tins! We raised over £74 in all for the group. Also big thanks to the street party organisers who were lovely and made everyone so welcome. Saturday Excellent show production of The Barbary Pirates, footage now with Sky TV, and lots of good feedback from people who watched the play. Not got an exact count on the donations from the show, but looked like around £15-ish, and Laura was handed a further £2 on Sunday from that as well to go into the kitty. A donation will be made to the group from the Brixham Buccanneers shortly. Sunday Major thanks to all theatre members who again supported the Pirate festival on Sunday, by turning up and being in character and joining in things. The world record was also got for the "mile o'pirates". We will be asked back next year to do another sea/ nautical based show. April 27th 2011 - The second date for The Lost Templar Fleet is now booked (Paignton Regatta, Aug 13th, we are performing at 12.15pm, with living history of the period taking place all day. - Royal Wedding news; A street party will be taking place at Drew Street as part of the Royal Wedding celebrations. Members of the South Devon Players theatre group, who rehearse at the British Legion, just off Drew Street, will be in attendance in medieval costume, and running a fundraising stall, with original celebrity autographs and many other collectables! Come and join us! April 24th 2011 IMPORTANT RULES CHANGE: Request from Mum, effective from this weekend: due to the fact that we have to hand wash EVERYTHING (we dont have a washer), plus household bills skyrocketing, from now on, anyone who borrows a costume or prop from the Players for any reason (including LARP/ fancy dress party), or wears one we have supplied, in a show, will be asked to return the costume within 14 days of the final show, properly washed/ cleaned/ mended. No exceptions, as its getting impossible for Mum and me, both time-wise and water-bills wise, to do all washing and mending of the kit for the whole group. Things can be returned to my house, or to the British Legion club. The issue is down to household bills skyrocketing for water and electricity, more than anything else. Laura In other news Very well done to the group promoting the museum, the theatre group and the Museum yesterday! :) It was great, despite the heat. April 18th 2011 The Knights Templar, or at least three of them, will be at Brixham Museum on Saturday 23rd, between 10am and 2pm. They are quite friendly really, so if you are in the area, do look out for them in the vicinity and say hallo. You may also see some other medieval characters who didnt feel like attiring themselves in armour and white robes for the day, who are also friendly and harmless. Again, do say hallo! April 17th 2011 The Lost Templar Fleet cast line-up Templars Jacques de Molay - Richard Jean-luc De Bordeille - Dave Andreaus Fireheart - Steve Angelo Del Toro - Me A battlesister (Templar nuns were very rare but turn up a couple of times in history) - Natasha The Templar who is arrested - Warwick Philip The (un) Fairs men Inquistor - Mike Captain of the Kings Soldiers - Shaun Soldier - Warwick (once he has played the arrested Templar and had a costume change!) Soldier - Charles Other characters Town Crier - Ken Woman who is secretly a Cathar and her daughter - Jema and Paige Woman whose son is a Templar - Sally-ann Assassin - Edmund Granted we can expand as much as we like. There is easy room for another Templar character, and more soldiers, and as many other medieval people as we like, who can also become involved with lines! April 13th 2011 Yes, rehearsals are tonight - re-setting Barbary for the Pirate Fest, and sorting out the St Georges Day stuff for the museum. April 12th 2011 There should be a small piece about our auditions on Saturday, in the Brixham News as of tomorrow. In the meantime, the group gave a very good account of themselves at the Exmouth Drama Festival, with a lot of good feedback from the judge, last Saturday - everyone should be patting themselves on the back. April 4th 2011 To everyone who is doing the thing on April 23rd for Brixham Museum. I have been for a chat with the lady in charge, and now its the landing of William Of Orange for part of it, and the Templars too for part of it if possible. :) 10am - 2pm of street theatre, leafleting, and looking lovely. Laura. April 2nd 2011 DISPELLING A RUMOUR: According to rumour heard in town today, some people think that if someone takes a break from being active with the South Devon Players they cannot come back to the group in the future. THIS IS UTTER CODSWALLOP. People can dip in and out of participation over the years as they like. You might want to be in one production run, then be too busy, or away, to be in the next. This is fine. You are welcomed back any time! You just need to be reliable for rehearsals and full show runs, of the specific production(s) that you are in. Thats all. If you hear rumours that concern you about the group, please check with the group committee first, to ascertain if its true or not! March 28th 2011 - Crowdfunding application has gone live to raise extra funds for The Lost Templar Fleet HERE as well as a full update to our fundraising page here on the main website. - We are now using Deviantart as our club photo gallery, in order to network amongst more creative people. Please follow the tab link. March 21st 2011 Advertising space in theatre programme for Torbay (April - May 2011), in aid of amdram group. 12cm wide x 8high cm=£10, 6X4cm=£5. Print run - expected to be 300 booklet programmes over that time. Adverts supplied for inclusion must be accompanied by payment, and can be text and jpg image, or *ideally* a full advert in JPG format. Contact us for more information. March 18th 2011 Audition dates for The Lost Templar Fleet and the Pirate street theatre improv shows are announced - April 16th 2011, 1.30pm at the Brixham Royal British Legion. Thank you to David Croney from the healthfood shop who thinks he can find some donation buckets for the group to use in the summer shows There is the possibility that we will be peforming The Lost Templar Fleet at Paignton Regatta as well. Please stay tuned to that! Those of us in the group who are "Knight Templar history enthusiasts" in the group have been asked to do a costumed talk at a local secondary school as wel! March 17th 2011 1) Crisis averted!!!!!!! Last night, our rehearsal venue, the local Brixham Royal British Legion club, almost had to close down for good, but was saved literally at the last possible second! We will be working to help keep the place open, and would appreciate any help from our members and supporters as well that can be extended to the local Bitish Legion Club. 2) Auditions for The Lost Templar Fleet and the Pirate Street Theatre improv shows are announced for Saturday April 16th 2011. These will take place at Brixham Royal British Legion at 1.30pm. March 8th 2011 Lots of news has passed under the bridge! * We have the opportunity to apply to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company. An application is currently being prepared by the committee, and members will be kept updated as to how this goes. * The latest newsletter is now available for download (see the downloads page) * A national theatre magazine is looking into running a feature on either The Barbary Pirates or The Lost Templar Fleet. All cast will be fully involved in this as after all, thats what its all about! This means that photo diaries will be kept of rehearsals from now onwards. * All show dates for the first half of 2011 have now been announced, and the website has been tidied up as well! * For the time being please attend rehearsals starting at 7.15, for notices (members need to keep up to date as with participating in festivals and other events, as well as the RSC and national theatre magazine opportunities, things are very fast-moving!). If you are in The Barbary Pirates, please also be aware that extra Saturday rehearsals have been scheduled for March 26th and April 2nd (1.30pm - 3.30pm). Feb 14th 2011 Right we have a couple of issues and I need feedback from everyone ASAP on this. Please read carefully and answer as soon as you can. I need to know by Wednesday night at latest. Plymouth have asked us to do Sunday 22nd on this event instead of Saturday, because its Lord Mayors day on Sat and s...o no Pirate day on Sat. I NEED to know next few days if you are available for this instead of the Saturday, also we are going to be desparate for transport - we have one car but need more to get everyone down, because buses are a pain in the arse on Sundays. Otherwise its a case of going down to start at midday and having a shorter day down there, last bus back is at 8pm. So if you have a car or van and can offer a seat or two for lifts, please also let me know as quickly as possible. If involved, please confirm as soon as you see this message, thank you. They are really waiting on us to confirm for definite: and I quote from the organisers discussion group "No point in working out details Dave until the guys KNOW they are coming down... Really hope so as I am told they are BRILLIANT! with Commercial Wharf to themselves for most of the day there is NOTHING they couldn't put on - they would have an audience on two sides and above them... Now there's a challenge! Their imagination would be their only limit... There is an unofficial area down by Cap'n Jasper as well and we have the ok for them to put on cameo pieces all over the Barbican!" So come on guys, put your best foot foward here! Please get in touch immediatly to confirm or not so that we know where we are! Feb 4th 2011 The revised script for the Barbary Pirates has been emailed to all cast today. Please get in touch ASAP if not recieved. This is relevant to ALL cast members. Jan 30th 2011 Right, we have had several requests to do extra projects this summer, and I need to know who would be available for whiich events for scripting and planning reasons... If you would be free and want a fun day (not a lot of stress!) then it all helps raise the profile of the South Devon Players to be seen and helping out at events. Rehearsals will be minimal (one or two). Everyone involved in these will be expected to be able to do improvised acting. #1 Brixham Museum have asked us to do something on April 23rd, in the morning. This will be street theatre/re-enactment type, ideas being negotiated but will be seasonal local history, or St George And The Dragon. #2 Plymouth Pirate Festival have asked if we can go down on May 21st or 22nd, and do something either based on The Barbary Pirates or Anne Bonney & Mary Reed. This may be scripted but is more likely to be improvised/ themed street theatre. Again, we need a count of how many people would be up for a long day in Plymouth! #3 The Lost Templar Fleet is a re-enactment/ street theatre show which will take place in Brixham, to be arranged, in August. It is a piece based upon the legends of the lost Templar fleet. Anyone can get involved playing a variety of medieval characters. Stage combat skills highly useful for Templar and "Kings Soldiers" characters. Please get in touch asap if you are interested in being involved in any of these projects, and feel free to pass on, if you know other people who would like to be involved. Jan 27th 2011 Brixham Museum have asked us to do a street theatre show or re-enactment show on Sat. April 23rd in the morning. Somthing seasonal for Easter or St Georges Day. This is a great opportunity to promote the group as well. So, I need to know who is free that morning so we can come up with something. [email protected] Jan 21st 2011 Three things in the news today... 1) we are starting to put ideas togther for a summer fundraiser. If you want to show off your crafts, act, music, etc or have another idea please let me know. (will probably be a day at the Fishmarket, thats the tentative idea at the moment) This is in the earliest days of development. 2) There will be a re-enactment/ show based on the legend of the lost Templar fleet, taking place during the summer. This is a spinoff piece but as several of the people already involved are based at the Players... :) Basically male and female performers will be needed for street theatre/re-enactment, playing a variety of medieval characters - general medieval people in the street, the "Kings men", the Knights Templars and others. Basically if you are confident and cheerful and want to dress up in medieval costume for a day and participate in some quite dramatic street theatre, this is for you! Medieval combat will be required for the majority of people playing the Kings men or the Knights templar characters. 3) I tend to do most of the character and cast photographs for all the other members of the South Devon Players, but now I need some DSLR "proper" photographs of myself done, ideally in a studio-esque setting. This will be on a tight budget, so if anyone local to the area is, for example, a photography student or developing a photographic portfolio, and wants a (clothed) model, I am quite happy to be that, in return for some prints. email [email protected] Jan 16th 2011 One of our members is doing a degree in film and video production, and needs cast for her film, if you are interested, please get in touch with her at!/home.php?sk=group_170260783018525&ap=1 |
Up to the minute
News 2010
Dec 30th 2010
We are in desparate need of two male actors to play the slave traders Samir and Quataiba as the two actors originally cast have had to pull out. Show dates are being booked as we speak, rehearsals are every wednesday evening from next week at the British Legion, Brixham, shows on various dates between April and August, in the Torbay area.
Obviously its not paid but the usual actors getting programmes photos and references on completion of run apply.
Actors need to be reliable attenders at rehearsals and shows.
Dec 27th 2010
Full cast / full show rehearsals each wednesday evening 7pm for 7.30pm prompt start at the Legion, from Jan 5th 2011, for The Barbary Pirates
Dec 26th 2010
Sound/ lighting technician wanted
Trainee/ voluntary position with award-winning non-profit theatre company soon available
We are putting the word out early, but our current sound/ lighting technician is leaving to go to University in August 2011, and therefore from this time onwards we will be looking for a new person to fill this role.
It is a voluntary position, and will involve attending evening rehearsals between 1 and 2 times per week, as well as shows (weekends, and evenings) as required. Full training on the systems is offered to the right candidate, credit in theatre programmes (always useful for portfolio building) and after completion of one full show-run, references for study/ work applications can also be provided.
You need to be based in South Devon, and able to attend rehearsals and shows in the Torbay area. Equipment is provided.
You will be required regularly from August 2011 onwards, however during the spring of 2011, you will be asked to attend some runthroughs with our current technician.
We are a non-profit group, and cannot provide payment. We would like to offer this placement to someone from the local area who wants to develop thier skills. You can be male or female, all we ask is that you are aged over 16, and reliable in attendance.
Find out more about our theatre company at and to apply please email Laura, the secretary, on [email protected]
Dec 1st 2010
So while this evening we are still getting ready for the Winter Carnival, I am going to say a few things.
1) wear your thermal undies, and in-character cloaks are going to be provided, unless like Louise youre wearing a burkha or something that you can put 10 woolly jumpers on underneath. While out-of-character stuff cant be worn in the parade, in-character hessian sacks will be provided with the pirate loot, and coats etc can be shoved under the loot in the sacks. No-one will be expected to appear as a slave girl in a voile bikini!
2) Take your cossies with you tonight. if the cold bangs down to -25 (local rumour in town as to the weather for Saturday) or something, then its fully optional whether you turn up or not to the parade! (just ring me on the day if pulling out) I will still be there come hell or high water, so will at least four of us, but obviously different people feel the cold differently.
3) Whatever you do, wear flat heeled boots! High heels are not a good idea.
November 3rd 2010
The show date for the Barbary Pirates show at Brixham Pirate Festival has been finalised, and will take place at the Old Fishmarket, Brixham, on April 30th 2011 at 7pm.
The committee meeting that was held yesterday was highly productive. the possible purchase of some new sound equipment to compliment that currently existing, as well as lighting equipment is being looked at.
There was also a long discussion on discipline, and committment of members involved in shows, with a much stricter framework being gradually brought in over the next months, in order to facilitate the further raising of performance standards across the board.
Adverts will also be placed looking for a regular seamstress, and a sound technician, to spread the load of work.
There will also be several major publicity drives during the winter, which all members are asked to help with.
Oct 29th 2010
CASTING CALL (Torbay, England) with award winning community theatre company.
Show: The Barbary Pirates
Performances between April and August 2011 in the South Devon area. Including national theatre competition entry.
Performers required
We are looking for RELIABLE male and female performers to play pirates, convicts and bellydancers. You need to be aged 16 -116, live locally to be able to attend weekly rehearsals and workshops (Wednesdays 7.30 - 9pm) in Brixham. Free training in bellydance and/or stage combat included. Experience not required, but enthusiasm, regular attendance and effort are a must. Re-casting several roles due to timewasters. The project isnt paid but lots of free dance and combat training, with photographs, and references upon request, for future drama/ theatre studies all provided upon succesful completion of the "run".
About show...
Based on historical accounts, this story is of a group of Devon fisher-folk taken prisoner by a fleet of Barbary Corsairs, and their subsequent adventures.
Rehearsals are currently underway, applicants will be asked to join us at rehearsal and workshops for an evening, and if successful to attend from there on.
Oct 12th 2010
Film extras needed (paid) for Fri 29th Oct at the Eden Project. Looking for couples and families, if interested contact Hannah Rogers at Twofour Digital
Direct Line : 01752 727420
Twofour Studios | Estover | Plymouth | Devon | PL6 7RG
Please be prepared to email a photo of yourself to Hannah. [email protected]
Oct 1st 2010
The south Devon Players are now officially award winning
Winners of the Creativity In The Community Award 2010
looks like the South Devon Players theatre group, Brixham made about £500 from the fundraiser yesterday. Thanks to all who helped make the day a success. :)