! Its very rare that we get snow in Brixham - we don't get it for years on end - and unheard of that the town is brought to a halt by it (mainly because its so rare here that very few people are prepped for it). So, here, for posterity are some photos by Laura Jury of the snow in town
Beautiful weather graced the Trawler Race this year. An annual event in the town, local, and sometimes crews from Belgium or the Netherlands, compete in a friendly race between the trawlers, following which parties and celebrations are held onshore. Funds raised go to local charities.
Some years, it is cold, I have spent more than one event freezing on the end of the breakwater, in the rain - but this year, almost tropical weather attended the event. It did seem that from the breakwater, there were fewer people viewing than last year, but I hear that it was immensely busy at the dock when the trawlers came back in! Text and photos by Laura. |
June 2019