When marketing a theatre production, it is incredibly important to look at the marketing from the point of view of a potential audience member. Forget that you know all about your production, and the venue. Remember, that the audience member doesn't. They may have never heard of your company or your shows before.
You want the potential audience member to be able to judge if this is a show to their/ their familys taste, and to encourage new visitors. I recently conducted an online study across various theatre audience discussion groups, mainly based in the UK, in the autumn of 2020, especially focussed on what information is often missed out by venues and production companies, in marketing theatre shows, and consolidated the main feedback. Where a reason may be more obscure, I have included an explanation as to why people like the information. For us as a company, this information will be used to redesign our box office page, as well as creating a template document of production information for the box offices/ marketing managers of all venues which we tour to, in addition to the usual supply of posters and usual marketing materials. Content notes that people like to know
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Laura Jury-This a blog about what it is like, behind the scenes, to admin and promote, and grow, an arts organization. This is an area for the musings, research, discussions, and posts which have public value, but which are not compatible with a general "news" page. Archives
March 2024