Photos by Christine Bovey and Laura Jury
On Saturday Night some of our team (Wayne Cutler Allison Abbott Sarah Gregori Fiona Humphreys Laura Jury) supported Friends of Brixham Library with their concert celebrating their historical research of the farming area of Brixham ("Cowtown") as organised by Phil Trayhorn, at St Mary's Church Brixham
Photos by Christine Bovey and Laura Jury
Fantastic day again at Les Miserables rehearsals for Act 2. Here are a few pictures nabbed in between racing around and dying over the barricade - and some partial costume starting to appear :D . A LONG afternoon today, but it really paid off, with the cues and reactions, especially on the extremely fast paced barricade scenes. Thank you so much to all the great people who helped make it happen.
Rehearsals are now well underway for our production of Les Miserables; costumes will begin to appear over the next few weeks now. The cast are working together as a fantastic team regardless of age and background. Over the next three/four weeks scripts will go down and costumes will appear!
Photos by Tabatha Cart For people who were too far afield to come to see our stage show of Macbeth, it is now on Youtube! iRehearsals are now fully underway for our production of Les Miserables. While costumes wont be making an appearance until next week, Andrew came up today and got some brilliant pictures of the rehearsals behind the scenes. We did Act 1 (the first half) today, and the team are so strong already. Behind the scenes the teamwork and cohesion is ideal, onstage the energy and dynamism is so powerful that it is amazing to think what it will become, when it is this strong already. Truly wonderful - and a privilige to direct such great actors.
Updated by our founder