The film trailer gets its first film festival laurel - as a finalist in the international, USA-based Indieboost Thanksgiving "Indieboost" competition. on the site
With a amazing production team from around Devon and Cornwall, this locally made indie feature film has almost all been filmed - we are going to be cheeky and ask if it is at all possible, if you can contribute to our completion funds (for final handful scenes etc) In the grand scheme of things this may not seem a massive triumph but it is, for us, a great boost to what is a great, project. All the cast and crew are excited by this! Over the winter we will be editing like mad, and sorting out for the final shoots next year to get the last few scenes needed in the can. We are aiming for an autumn 2017 release of the feature.
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We had a wonderful fundraiser last night, supported by the lovely band Dont Fret, after our main singer Georgia, was ill. Over £50 was raised for rehearsal hall hire, pretty much saving us.
If you use Facebook, please like thier page at
The trailer for The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, Brixham first ever feature film “Mordred”, is out – and the main film is now in editing with the vast majority filmed. There are a few extra shoots we will need to do next year, but its coming on wonderfully, with an epic team of Southwest people both sides of the camera
(we do have a completion crowdfund, in the video blurb, to raise funds for filming those last few scenes and would be so grateful for any shares or support.) Like what you see? please check out our PostProduction fund at Indiegogo: to help us get the film finished. “Mordred”, is a gritty Arthurian drama, telling the legends from the point of view of Arthur’s much vilified illegitimate son, set in the 6th Century, drawing heavily from very early sources, including the Annales Cambriae, the Welsh Triads, the Mabinogion, and local legends in Devon & Cornwall, as well as more recent medieval sources. This drama is set in the 530s, against the backdrop of the Saxon invasions, heavily influenced by Celtic legends, Druidic traditions, and the earliest tales of Arthur, and his followers. The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, are a team who have run in South Devon, England, since 2005-6. Founded to create theatre shows based on history and legends, we have more recently expanded into film as well, For more info on us: __________________ Facebook & Twitter: @sdevonplayers Instagram: sdevonplayers1 email [email protected] Youtube: southdevonplayers |
This is our new format news page. To read all our news between 2010 and Jan 2015, please see our old format news page HERE The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, is the trading name of The South Devon Players Limited;
Registered at Companies House: Company number 11569166 Categories
January 2025