Good morning all. It has come to our notice that a streaming website named LiveABC, has been illegally downloading and streaming our recent online performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
IMPORTANT- If you are watching or accessing this show please ensure it is accessed via our official page provided to purchasers of the show tickets. - Aside from this other site downloading and streaming our copyright content without our permission, which in itself is illegal, the fact that we created this online show to help our actors and crew earn some money to survive in this lockdown, and the fact that this website has seen fit to just steal everyone’s hard work with no recompense let alone permission , to our team, has absolutely horrified us. Legal, and Union advice is being taken on this matter, and the Police have been informed. Anyone with any questions is asked to contact is at once on [email protected] (Note: the screenshots below relate to, and show, the unauthorised/ illegal stream)
Some of our team have been working with a multi-agency team led by Childrens Services at Torbay Council, at St Cuthbert Mayne School in Torquay, as part of the 16 Days of Action, raising awareness of coercive and abusive behavior, and how to seek help.
Our contribution at the school was for two of our team, to work with the students, through drama workshops, to create a play based on students experiences. This will be performed back to the school during 2020. Many thanks to all of our lovely helpers at our fundraising stand at the Brixham Pirate Festival - we raised invaluable funds for our productions :) Also many thanks to Judi for allowing us to use the space, and to the local Brixham Police, and festival security, for coming along and volunteering to be in our stocks :) What a fantastic weekend, and many thanks to our team for assisting our fundraising stand at the Brixham Pirate Festival. We had three days of fundraising, and fun. Made lots of great new friends and raised a significant amount towards our fundraising We should also put out a great shout to the fantastic local police - two of whom went in our stocks, on Saturday afternoon to support our fundraising - for £1, for 5 sponges, people loved soaking the local Police, in the stocks..., It drew rather a large crowd. :) Later in the weekend, our founder, Laura, had a sponsored dunking in Brixham Harbour (yes among all the diesel and gunk) to raise funds for the team. Finally, we would love to give a shoutout to the lovely people who won the pirate teddies, in our Name The Teddy competitions The teddy winners are:
Male pirate Teddy - Blacknose The Pirate, won by Oliver Ambridge Female Pirate Teddy- Teddys name Rum Alice, won by Karyn Stabb Ships Cat - Teddys name: Jasper, won by Tom Ward |
This is our new format news page. To read all our news between 2010 and Jan 2015, please see our old format news page HERE The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, is the trading name of The South Devon Players Limited;
Registered at Companies House: Company number 11569166 Categories
January 2025