Have you wanted to create voiceovers or demo videos for a product? Connect with audiences using video and voiceover? If so, we have a fantastic team of professional male and female actors, all with their own home studios, and recording equipment, who are available to record for you. During the Covid pandemic, we are all accustomed to working online and creating from our home studios. We can do the same for you.
Our team members are happy to audition so that you can find the perfect fit for your requirements. If you feel we can help, and would like to discuss further, please email us on [email protected] to discuss.
Apologies for the quiet as we have worked on rearranging auditions, looking at new ways of working, and looking at ways to respond to Covid-19. To clarify; that is now done. We have agreed on ways to keep our auditions for Jack The Ripper open as sheduled, as well as opening auditions for an online "lockdown" performance of Macbeth. The big change is that for the time of lockdown (and, if there are any especial demographics that need to isolate for longer), we will be accepting online self-tape auditions. These will have the same requirements as our usual "in-person" auditions - and should the lockdown be safely lifted before the Jack the Ripper auditions in July, then we will revert to our normal "in-person" castings. We also decided to create a lockdown "online" project, which is a full performance of Macbeth - yes, that show we won international awards for last year and had to tour twice because public demand was so huge. Most of the cast are returning, though we do have a handful of roles open to cast, so if you would like to join us, the details are all below. The great thing about the online Macbeth project? It doesnt matter where you are, as long as you have a digital device running Zoom, and are a strong reliable actor. (As Jack the Ripper will be live performances at venues (once lockdown is over!) our usual restriction of your needing to be based in South Devon, applies to Jack The Ripper though!) The usual arrangements of profitshare (until such time as we can find funding or sponsors for full rate pay, behind the scenes, our admin team are working daily on this!) plus portfolio material (recordings, photos etc) all hold as unchanged. All our current casting and audition information is over at our AUDITION PAGE If lockdown continues, there are also a number of other smaller projects that can be done online, that are in the works - and we would love to stay in touch with you; so, if you would like to keep informed on upcoming castings and projects, do please either follow our FACEBOOK PAGE or join our PUBLIC FACEBOOK GROUP
And so, with all but a couple of roles cast, we get underway with our new spring production! The first week is always an odd one. A new team of people getting used to one another, some still having to arrange their scheduling, but wow. In this first week, some of the cast are already coming off-script! Its a real race to the top with this show.
Lots is happening with 1307. With the full length theatre show and radio dramas both being performed, the former also for streaming to a New York theatre festival, and then a shortened version of the script being adapted for a short film, this cast have a lot of hard work ahead, but as competently shown, they can very much rise to the challenge! On January 6th, our team embarked on what we hope will be a new and very excellent series of collaborations with a local radio station, starting, with recording a radio drama of Les Miserables, for broadcast over the next month or so (just needs editing and adding in sound effects etc!) - watch our social media for shared links to the broadcast. :)
It was fantastic to have a team of both established performers and new performers who worked together like clockwork to record the drama!
This is our new format news page. To read all our news between 2010 and Jan 2015, please see our old format news page HERE The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, is the trading name of The South Devon Players Limited;
Registered at Companies House: Company number 11569166 Categories
January 2025