For theatre shows, it is very simple. We rely on ticket sales to pay our actors and crew. If, for example a 200 seat theatre, to maintain social distancing, can only admit 20 audience members, we are unable to pay our cast and crew. Not paying your cast and crew, and becoming an amdram club, is not something we are willing to entertain as an option.
Outdoor venues need to have strict marshalling, distanced areas, specialist equipment (which we do not own), as well as strict backstage procedures, and are not currently an option due to people-power and equuipment.
Behind the scenes, backstage procedures reccomended by unions, and the Health & Safety Execuitive, require single occupancy dressing rooms, one way systems, performing through masks or visors. Physically, theatres do not have that kind of space backstage, where they can be rather cramped, and historical dramas do not lend themselves well to performing through masks and visors .
Casts and crews should also isolate in a bubble for the length of the show, and for a time before and after, requiring the hiring of a house or a hotel. Many of us have second jobs, which we cannot afford to take the time off from especially if we are not able to earn from the shows, and the company does not own the funds to hire a house or hotel.
In rehearsals, actors must stand in taped areas, enforcing the 2M distancing, as well as wearing masks, with staggered breaks. They also should not face one another while speaking in case of exhaling in the direction of the other person. This makes it impossible for any natural dramatic performance.
Finally, there is the general directive to work from home where you can, and to avoid putting vulnerable people at risk. Many of us work more than one job, or live in households where we have a relative who relies on another job, or who is in an at-risk category. By exposing ourselves, we also put them at heightened risk.
We understand that some theatre companies and drama schools have returned to creating work, or classes, but it is not something that we find we can safely do for our people.