Over the last few days, we have come across a large number of performance (theatre, music, film) organisations struggling to make sense of, or even locate, information on what is, and what isn't, allowed.
To be absolutely clear, we aren't an organisation that can provide advice, or guidance. But what we are doing here, is signposting to our main sources.
The UK.Gov website has a lot of guidance. It is important to look at both the performing arts guidance, and then also at the guidance for the kind of space that you are working in, and the kinds of organisations/ people that you are working with. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make sure that you keep your people, and anyone else whom you are working with, as safe as humanly possible
These are some of the links that we have to check regularly:
GUIDANCE FOR MULTIUSE VENUES (eg community centres etc, which may be used for rehearsals or classes. We have not yet returned to phsyical rehearsals, but continue to keep up to date with details for when we can.)
FILM & TV GUIDANCE (this has several links available)
UK Gov - BECTU - British Film Commission - British Health & Safety Executive
We highly also recomend getting in touch with your local Enviromental Health department, Unions, etc for additional advice. The rules and regulations are subject to constant change, and so it is worth checking on a regular basis. You will need to produce a risk assessment for any physical activities, that covers your covid-safety procedures, which also need to be those required for your activity(s), working space, and participants.
Remember that any organisation, and venue, is legally reponsible for the wellbeing of everyone working with, or visiting, them.
I hope these links help a few other people, keep safe and keep battling on!