Update! We start shooting the trailer for Les Miserables: The Web-Film series, in March, then once the trailer is done, start into the series proper, with Episode 1. (thereafter the crowdfunding will come in!)
We have set up a facebook group for people who would like to come in as extras and supporting actors as well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1528090837452517 - its free to join, and will be our first stop shoutout for extras. (under 18 roles must be accompanied by a parent / guardian)
Due to someone going working abroad for three months, we are shooting the trailer out-of-sequence and are starting with the Cafe Mousin...
Here is a sneak preview of upstairs at the cafe location. (with my notebook on a table that will later be taken over by Enjolras, as Ric the director, and I, ran through the scenes for the trailer between us, looking at camera angles etc. )